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Boston, MA – September 21, 2004 -- Following the recent release of H Bomb, Harvard’s much hyped sex magazine, a group of Boston University undergraduates has plans to release their own sex-themed publication. These students are led by Alecia Oleyourryk ‘05, a journalism major in the College of Communications.

The provocative periodical is entitled Boink. According to its founders, the title was selected because it’s dynamic and fun, like the sex act to which it refers. It also conveys the irreverent tone of the magazine’s editorial content and appeals to its target audience, college students.

“We want to create an open forum for students to talk about the one thing that‘s on everyone’s mind, namely sex”, states Oleyourryk. “Unlike most sex-related publications, ours will not be full of fake boobs and plastic people. Furthermore, it will not be targeted at any particular segment of the student population. Diversity is the key. There will be something for everyone, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation. Our goal is to broaden people’s understanding of the carnal desires that we all share as young adults... and to do it in an honest and entertaining way”

While the magazine is being produced by BU students for students, it does not have any formal ties to the university. This allows its publishers to maintain full creative control over content, without fear that the subject matter will become watered down through administration oversight.

In addition to articles, advice, fiction, humor, and product reviews, Boink will contain provocative pictures of real students including full frontal nudity. According to Oleyourryk, “Sexuality and nudity are a part of college life that shouldn’t be ignored. Our generation has moved beyond many of the attitudes that our parents have about sex and our magazine will reflect that.”

Boink’s publishers plan to produce a high quality, glossy magazine that rivals the standards of the best newsstand publications. That is why they have teamed up with local artist and photographer Christopher Anderson to help create the look and feel of the magazine. Best known for his nude works, Anderson also created many of the images that appeared in the premier issue of H Bomb.

“I’m excited to be a part of this project,” says Anderson. “I’ve collaborated with many BU students in the past and it has always been a positive experience. I particularly appreciate this publication’s progressive view of sexuality. It’s time for Americans, especially Bostonians, to get over their antiquated, puritanical notions about sex. As a society we need to join the rest of the civilized world and adopt a healthier, more mature attitude towards the human body and its biological imperatives. It's great to see this cause being advanced by those who will shape our country’s future.”

The first issue of Boink is scheduled to be released in February.


Boston Area College Students Get Ready to Boink:
BU Student “Porn” Magazine Scheduled for Release on February 17th.

Boston, MA – January 26, 2005 – Since it was announced last October, college students in and around Boston have been anxiously awaiting the release of Boink, a new student sex magazine. Their patience is about to be rewarded. Boink is set to hit the Hub on February 17th.

Nowhere is anticipation greater than at Boston University, where the publication has been the center of much debate and controversy. The BU administration has issued an official statement warning, “The University does not endorse, nor welcome, the prospective publication Boink”.

BU journalism student, Alecia Oleyourryk, is the 21 year old founder and editor of Boink. When asked about the reaction of fellow students to her first publishing effort, Oleyourryk said, “It’s strange, it seems everyone on campus has heard about Boink, but most students are unaware who is involved. I hear conversations about it… a lot of kids think it’s cool while others trash it. I’ve even had people come up to me in COM [The College of Communications] and ask if I can believe what “that girl” is doing. I usually just smile at them and laugh to myself.”

The first issue of Boink will contain 96 pages of glossy photos and print material. It will feature sex-related articles, advice, fiction, humor, and product reviews. It will also contain full frontal nudity of local female and male university students turned models, which has caused consternation among parents and some members of the university community.

The magazine targets the young and trendy college students in Boston and the surrounding areas. Diversity is a key goal for Boink. The founders insist there will be something for everyone, regardless of gender, background, or sexual orientation.

Oleyourryk admits, “The process has been a challenge every step of the way, but I am very happy with the end result. I’m sure that subsequent issues will build upon this first one and get progressively better as our readers provide feedback.”

When asked how students were able to launch a magazine four short months and gain international press attention in the process, Christopher Anderson, photographer and co-founder of Boink said, “We managed to attract an amazing group of people. There's no doubt that we never would have been able to make this thing happen without their talent and hard work.”

Anderson sees the future direction of Boink as moving beyond the BU campus. “The issues that we cover are universal to college students everywhere. We already have people from several other local universities on our staff. We plan to make an effort to expand our publication to include other Boston area schools… and maybe beyond.”

A launch party is planned to celebrate the release of the inaugural issue. The event will be held at The Roxy Nightclub on Thursday, February 17th. Staff members and models will be in attendance and a limited number of tickets are available to the public. Attendees will be the first to receive a free copy of the magazine along with various door prizes provided by sponsors. Tickets are available online on a first-come, first-served basis at Subscriptions to Boink are also available on the same site.

Note: Members of the press are invited to attend the release party. The magazine’s staff and models will be available prior to the event for interviews. Contact [email protected] for details.

*** About Boink Magazine:

Boink explores sexual issues affecting young men and women. Created by and for college students, Boink embraces human sexuality and covers a broad range of interests and lifestyles. The magazine presents relevant, and sometimes controversial, information that is both educational and entertaining. It celebrates the pleasures of sex, without turning a blind eye to its repercussions.

The words and images represented in Boink are necessarily explicit to accurately reflect the sexual openness of an evolving generation. While we understand this may offend some, we firmly believe that sex is a natural and healthy part of college life. It’s a subject worthy of exploration rather than condemnation. Therefore, Boink strives to be a forum to answer student’s questions and to help satisfy their curiosities about sex and all that it entails.


Alecia Oleyourryk
[email protected]